Sunday, September 9, 2007


We just read in the news that the war in Iraq is far from over. Osama bin Laden has just released a video calling on America to convern to Islam or face the wrath of Allah in the hands of his executioners a.k.a Al Qaeda.

But what's that to you?

As far as most of us are concerned, life goes on, eh... our exams, this evening's Paradise music pleasure, our next plate of nasi lemak, and catching a movie later this week.

And meanwhile, thousands of US troops have been diagnosed with traumatic brain injury, or TBI.

What's that again?

The people on the streets like and me call it plainly - brain damage.

But hey, wait a minute, you say. Brain damage??? I know what's that.

Yes, I'm sure you do.

But let me tell you what brain damage is and see if you find similarities among those in our midst.

Those coming back from the war in Iraq experience blast-caused head injuries that are so different from the ones doctors are used to seeing from falls and car crashes so much so that treating them is as much faith as it is science.

As more troops return from the war, their brain damage makes them unable to continue a normal life and hold a steady job. The damage may not just be physical but physiological, psychological, and yes, spiritual.

Most of these young fighters recover within a year. But one-fifth of the troops will have prolonged or lifelong symptoms and need continuing care.


People with TBI have frequent headaches, dizziness, and trouble concentrating and sleeping. They may be depressed, irritable and confused, and easily provoked or distracted. Speech or vision also can be impaired. Some sufferers have been misdiagnosed with personality disorders. Others have lost jobs because of unrecognized and untreated symptoms.

Hmmm. Are there people around you who exhibit such symptoms? Are you one of them?

While the soldiers got their brains damaged in the line of duty under fire, some of us get ours from a different kind of pressure. We see many people behave in funny ways around us as a result of coming under fire in our urban lifestyle.

Even in church?
What does it matter?
What do you think?


Anonymous said...

my gudness.not really a time to be ignorant is it?but pastor as u said, stupidity is an attitude. so maybe ignorance is too. very good post. God bless.

Shannon Keng said...

Hey pastor
Yup, I do think about it at times...Its a very sad thing...Well it is a good post...The questions are in itself quite a rhetorical question...

Zlwin Chew said...

UPDATES!!!!!!!!!!! =)

Jonathan said... I need everybody's support.